InDevOps.devbyPenny HanHow Keepalive Timeout Settings Solved My 502 Errors in AWS EKS MicroservicesRecently, I encountered an intermittent issue in our AWS EKS(K8s) microservices architecture where an external gateway service would…Sep 21, 20241Sep 21, 20241
InFAUN — Developer Community 🐾byGursimar SinghMonitoring in Kubernetes: Best PracticesAs the adoption of Kubernetes continues to rise, so does the need for robust monitoring practices. Kubernetes simplifies the deployment…Sep 2, 20243Sep 2, 20243
Mutha NagavamsiTcpdump can Power your Kubernetes TroubleshootingWhen I started my first job in 2009, my seniors often used tcpdump during troubleshooting. Every time we had a major issue, my boss always…Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
AmaralisaPerformance Testing vs Load Testing | Key DifferencesIn software quality assurance testing, the distinction between performance testing and load testing is often a source of confusion. While…Nov 15, 2023Nov 15, 2023
InZesty EngineeringbyEran LevyHow We Cut 40% in NAT Gateway CostsFurther analysis uncovered valuable insights that allowed us to reduce NAT costs by 40%Jul 28, 20245Jul 28, 20245
Amber LiuKubernetes Networking-03-Advanced Setting of exposing Kubernetes API externally(Service Mesh…Before we delve into the specifics of Service Mesh and Gateway API, it’s important to consider the following three questions. Understanding…Jul 13, 2024Jul 13, 2024
InAWS TipbyCedric De SchepperHow to centralize hybrid DNS in AWSHow centralized hybrid DNS in AWS can be implemented using Route 53 resolver endpoints and private hosted zones.Jun 1, 20241Jun 1, 20241
Sylvain WitmeyerHow to measure latency with curlWhen you deploy or migrate new infrastructure it can be useful to test the application's performance. Curl is often used to easily debug…Nov 23, 2020Nov 23, 2020
WadeCost-Benefit Analysis for the Centralised VPC Endpoint ArchitectureWhat are the potential benefits of using centralised VPC endpoints?Dec 1, 2023Dec 1, 2023
Isala PiyarisiLearned it the hard way: Don’t use Cilium’s default Pod CIDRRelying on a default Cilium config led to a complete ingress failure, 8 months after initial the deployment. A ticking time bomb, so to.Jun 6, 20245Jun 6, 20245